Fun stuff

3D CUBE GAME - Level Head

로보토미 2008. 11. 10. 10:24

원래 작년 이맘때 멤버십에서 처음 봤던 프로젝트이다.
봤을때 조금 충격이었지. 별다른 기술이 쓰인것은 없다. 프로젝터와, 단순한 영상처리. 그리고 간단한 3D 게임 프로그래밍 수준. 하지만 '누구나' 하는 기술로 '아무도' 생각지 못하는 창조물을 만든다는것은 언제봐도 부럽고 대단해.
교육중에 할일 없어 여기 저기 링크 타다가 다시 발견. 한단계 업그레이드된 레벨헤드. 일단은 꽤 귀엽잖은가? ㅎㅎ

levelHead is a spatial memory game by Julian Oliver.

levelHead uses a hand-held solid-plastic cube as its only interface. On-screen it appears each face of the cube contains a little room, each of which are logically connected by doors.

In one of these rooms is a character. By tilting the cube the player directs this character from room to room in an effort to find the exit.

Some doors lead nowhere and will send the character back to the room they started in, a trick designed to challenge the player's spatial memory. Which doors belong to which rooms?

There are three cubes (levels) in total, each of which are connected by a single door. Players have the goal of moving the character from room to room, cube to cube in an attempt to find the final exit door of all three cubes. If this door is found the character will appear to leave the cube, walk across the table surface and vanish.. The game then begins again.

Someone once said levelHead may have something to do with a story from Borges.. For a description of the conceptual basis of this project, see below.

Demo videos:

  • YouTube (low quality, BETA demo)
  • Vimeo (good quality, final demo) *NEW*
  • OGG/Theora 25M (plays in VLC, BETA demo)
  • OGG/Theora 65M (plays in VLC, final demo) *NEW*

    Installation configuration:

  • The game is currently considered stable, having been played by thousands of humans with vastly different brains and ways of handling the cubes.

    There is a source-code release intended for those willing to try to compile it and/or submit patches. As yet there is no binary executable available. In the meantime, levelHead is playable as an installation, appearing in several electronic arts events in 2008.

    Once levelHead is more easily installable, i intend to release all levels as paper cut-outs so people can print the levels onto stiff paper, cut and fold them up to play.

    It's perhaps worth mentioning that I'm currently talking with various parties about the possibility of publishing a larger and more sophisticated version of this project.